Drealty Marketplace
Become a Seller on Drealty

Become a Seller
on Drealty

Welcome to Drealty
Welcome to Drealty, a specialized marketplace crafted exclusively for developers to showcase and sell their real estate projects. Our platform is dedicated to connecting high-quality, newly built or renovated apartments and villas with discerning buyers looking for their next European holiday home. At Drealty, we prioritize quality, exclusivity, and a seamless selling experience for developers committed to excellence.

Why Drealty?

Exclusive Platform for Developers

Exclusive Platform for Developers

To ensure the exclusivity and quality of our listings, Drealty is open only to developers with one or more real estate development projects. Whether you are selling newly built or expertly renovated apartments or villas, Drealty is the place to be seen.
Zero Commission, Transparent Pricing

Zero Commission, Transparent Pricing

At Drealty, we believe in a transparent pricing model that benefits our developer community. Unlike traditional real estate platforms, we do not take a commission on sales. Instead, developers pay a monthly fee to list their projects on our website. This model allows you to keep all the proceeds from your sales, making Drealty an attractive and cost-effective option for showcasing your projects.
Quality Assurance and Project Approval

Quality Assurance and Project Approval

Before your project makes its debut on Drealty, it undergoes a thorough review process. Our team of experts evaluates each project to ensure it meets our stringent requirements for quality, legality, and marketability. This process is designed to maintain the high standard of properties listed on our platform, providing buyers with confidence and developers with a reputable marketplace for their projects.
Scaled Pricing for Multiple Projects

Scaled Pricing for Multiple Projects

We understand the value of having multiple projects on the market. That’s why we offer scaled pricing, reducing the monthly fee per project as you list more developments on Drealty. This incentivizes developers to showcase a broader range of properties, providing our buyers with more choices and our developers with more opportunities to sell.

Join Our Exclusive Community of Developers

Becoming a seller on Drealty means joining an elite community of developers who are shaping the future of European holiday homes. If you have one or more projects that align with our standards and you’re ready to take your sales to the next level, we invite you to apply to become a seller on Drealty.

Discover the Drealty difference. Connect with us today and take the first step towards transforming the way you sell your real estate projects.

Phone number: + 44 7445 199683